Preparing the Documents

Once I received my positive skill assessment result and both of us passed the English Language requirement. I prepared all the following documents ( a lot were used during skill assessment ) as below (  I planned to lodge the application online so my documents were all color scanned from original documents, if the document is in black and white, you need to get them certified  , if it is non English , you may need to get it translated by a NAATI certified translator )

I did not used a NAATI certified translator because I do not know where to get this kind of service in Malaysia before I submitted my application, instead I get a friend who is fluent in both English and Malay language to help with the translation, and also prepared a letter to certified her ability to perform the translation. Luckily I did not face any problems for my application.

(Please refer to this link for my sample of translated Malaysia documents used in my application)

  1. All technical courses I attended , mostly related to my nominated skills, since my first job
  2. All training provided by the employers , since my first job
  3. All awards and certificate of recognition given by the employers, since my first job
  4. ACS skill assessment report
  5. IELTS test results
  6. Employer Reference letters
  7. CV
  8. University transcript
  9. Certificates of appreciation from societies participated in Universities
  10. Reference letter from lecturer
  11. Marriage Certificate - original and translated 
  12. Birth Certificates for all migrating family - original and translated
  13. Passport for all migrating family
  14. Recent color passport size photo for every migrating family